Single A Compulsories
1. Buddha Boings 5 reps. 1 1/2 mount; start an unravel, so that yo-yo lands on bottom string; (at this point, you should have a trapeze with your throw hand pointer finger holding the other side of the loop); bring throwt hand up and free hand down, and begin your Boingys; stop Boingys when they are on left string; swing yo-yo over to right so that you are back in 1 1/2 mount; pull free hand, and unravel completely, letting yo-yo slide onto Trapeze; ferris wheel dismount.
2. Gerbil
Full momentum trapeze, somersault into lindy loop, unwind reverse somersault, reverse lindy, unwind, miss one pinwheel, and land second, Ferris wheel dismount.
3. Eli Hops
5 hops. Trapeze, upward pop and land 5 times. Hands must touch after each pop, Ferris wheel dismount. Pops go above head between 45 and 90 degree angle.
4. Kwijibo
Trapeze, pop to wrist crossed double or nothing, roll wrists over, pop to double or nothing, pop to trapeze, Ferris wheel dismount. wrists must clearly be crossed before second catch
5. Mach Five-Pop 'n' Fresh-Mach Five
Start with 3 revolutions of Mach Five, 3 Pop n' Fresh catches (6 hits), and then back to 3 revs. of Mach Five, loop dismount, no binds or string misses.
6. Over/Under Boings
Split bottom mount, start with a single over boing followed by a single under boing - this counts as one rep, repeat for a total of 5 reps (5 over and 5 under boings) then do one last over boing and end with a loop dismount. No binds or misses.
7. Spirit Bomb
Breakaway into a wrist-bucket mount, double pass under, pop yo-yo up, bring throwing hand under and catch yo-yo on outermost string segment, pop yo-yo up, uncross arms, and catch yo-yo back into wrist-bucket mount, pass under, pass under onto back string segment, and pull into trapeze, Ferris wheel dismount. No missed pops or flip over's.
8. Buddha Fusion
Start with a one and a half mount, and perform two reps of Buddha's Revenge, then from the one and a half mount hold, cross throw hand under freehand and pop to double or nothing. From the double or nothing position perform the two string transfers of Cold Fusion, then toss yo-yo over and onto free hand index finger then toss back over onto throw hand index finger and perform one pinwheel then unwind and perform a snag catch and end with a Ferris wheel dismount.
9. One Finger Suicide Catches
2 reps. Trapeze, throw the loop under and around your fingers on your throwing hand, recatch the loop on the single index finger of your free hand, repeat, Ferris wheel dismount.
10. Iron Whip
2 reps. Trapeze, grab and open loop with throwing hand, pop yo-yo out of trapeze, lasso yoyo with a whip catch with the open loop, repeat, any dismount.
Double Kwijibo (triple or nothing ending)
Most Iron Whips on one throw
Most Suicide Catches on one throw
Double A Compulsories
1. Whirlwind Criss Cross 15 reps. Both hands must start immediately with "legal" inside-outside criss cross loops. The first throw of each hand must be an inside loop and the yo-yos must start crossing on the first throw and stay crossed on all repetitions. The second throw with each hand must be an outside loop. Inside-outside combo counts as one repetition, count starts on the second outside loop.
2. Loops to Vertical Punches
5 reps each. Each hand starts with 5 or more inside loops followed by a punch into a retro half world transition up into 5 or more vertical punches. The count on loops and punches are on the second yo-yo.
3. Reach for the Moon
15 reps. This is two-hand reach for the moon. It is highly recommended that these done alternating, however they may be done simultaneously. The reach for the moon count starts on the second outward toss of the second hand.
4. Behind Back Cattle Crossing
10 reps. YoYo trajectories may start crossed or uncrossed. The count starts when the trajectories start to cross behind the back. Once the trajectories cross, they must stay crossed during all 10 repetitions. The yo-yos may be caught behind the back or brought back to the front or side before catching. However, during the trick and prior to the catch, all of the "Hop the Fences" with each hand must be "Inside" Hop the Fences and none may be "Outside" Hop the Fences.
5. Inside/outside Vertical Punches
10 reps. Start by throwing the yo-yos directly upward into inside Vertical Punches or you may start them from a forward pass/reach for the moon start. You may do one or more inside Vertical Punches with each hand but as soon as one outside Vertical Punch is thrown the second hand must also start alternating inside/outside Vertical Punches until 10 repetitions are complete. Each repetition consists of one inside Vertical Punch and one outside Vertical Punch. Each hand is performing 10 inside Vertical Punches and 10 outside Vertical Punches. The count will be made on the second hand after each outside Vertical Punch.
6. Wrist Cross Fountain
Each hand does 2 or more wrist-crossed hop the fence below 45 degrees from the vertical, followed by 2 or more wrist crossed punching bags between 45-135 degrees from the vertical, followed by 5 or more wrist-crossed vertical punches then punch back down to at least one hop the fence below 45 degrees from the vertical. There will be no prescribed number of punches on way down to the final hop the fence. Count starts on second hand.
7. Double Staircase
Start with milk the cow, and work up one side to vertical punches rotating 360 degrees, then down to milk the cow, work up the other side 360 degrees, then down ending with milk the cow. The player rotates 360 degrees twice. Start facing forward, and end up facing forward. The yo-yo trajectories must be near horizontal at 180 degrees and fully vertical at 360 degrees.
8. Through the Arm Wraps
One hand does three or more loops, other hand throws an around the world that wraps the arm on the second world and unwrap between loops. Looping hand must keep looping until the hand throwing the worlds catches the yoyo.
9. Rolling Loops to Roll the Cow
Start with regular loops move into with 5 or more wrist-roll loops, separate to regular loops, transition to milk the cow, move into 5 or more wrist-roll milk the cows. May separate from wrist roll cows before catching.
10. Elbow Wrap
Start with 3 or more loops, both hands regenerate to worlds, wrap both elbows, turn 180 degrees transition to 5 or more vertical punches.
Tie breaker
Inside/outside reach for the Moon
Planet Hop/Reach for the Moon
Each contestant will have 3 minutes to perform a freestyle synchronized to his or her choice of music.
The timer starts when the music starts.
No positive points will be scored for tricks done before the music starts, or after the 3-minute mark. However, deduct points may be scored after the 3 minute mark.
All music must be considered appropriate for all audiences. Performers with inappropriate music (obscenities, etc.) will be disqualified. If you are unsure about your music, a judge will be available to listen to your music and make sure it is appropriate.
Music must be provided on a queued Cassette, or CD (CD-R), or Mini-disc (check availability beforehand). MDLP and CD-RW are not accepted.
Music must be clearly labeled as to the track to be used, and contestant's name.
Music must be in one track. Music extended over 2 tracks or over 2 media is not acceptable.
Music will be stopped between 3:00 and 3:01.
Music less than 3 minutes will be stopped after 1 track played.
If the music is stopped accidentally, the contestant may choose to continue his or her performance from the point that the music stopped or restart his or her performance at the end of the division.
All actions of a performer must take into account the safety of the audience, facility, and the player himself or herself. Judges have the ability at any time to disqualify a performer for behavior they deem dangerous or innappropriate.
While performing, only the contestant can be on stage.
Contestants can only use yo-yos or articles that are brought on the stage by him or herself. Contestants cannot use any yo-yos or articles passed to the stage by others.
Freestyle Judging Rules
Freestyle scores will be calculated in three components, Technical Execution, Performance Style and Compulsory Points.
Technical Execution - 75%
A net score shall be granted each contestant based on the algebraic sum of the plus and minus scores as determined below.
Positive points may be awarded for advanced level tricks performed successfully, including string hits, pops, wraps, transitions, regenerations, release catches, whip catches, and other yo-yo maneuvers.
Tricks, which a contestant has already completed, will not be scored in a second attempt.
Additional points may be awarded for difficulty, originality, long sequences on same spin, extreme amplitude of a maneuver, and similar yo-yo moves.
Negative points may be deducted for obvious trick misses, loss of control, and restarts.
Note that substitution of a yo-yo for another will count as a multiple deduction if the yo-yo string had become jammed or knotted.
No points shall be awarded for any tricks or antics done before the start of the 3-minute freestyle or after the three minutes has elapsed.
Technical Execution will count for 75% of the contestant's total score.
Performance Style - 15%
Each judge may grant a maximum of 30 points for performance style of a freestyle routine. (A performance equal to the winners of the National or World contests would probably score no more than 18 or 20 points.)
A contestant, while performing advanced level trick elements, may earn points for, but not limited to:
Stage Presence
Elegance of control and line
Maturity of yo-yo maneuvers
Movement (and use of "yo-yo space" up, down, back and forth)
Crowd reaction, entertaining antics, or other elements, which occur when not performing with a yoyo, shall not add to the performance style points.
As a guide the following scores ranges for each judge should use performance style.
Little or no style while yo-yoing. 0-2 points.
Some hint of style and maturity. 3-4 points
A fair overall routine. 5-7 points.
A good overall routine. 8-10 points
A very good overall routine. 11-13 points.
A World or National level performance. 14-22 points,
A show stopper. 23-30 points
Performance Style will count for 15% of the contestant's total score.
Compulsory Points - 10%
Compulsory points are the total points a contestant has earned in the compulsories.
Compulsory points will count for 10% of the contestant's total score.
Final Score
Points for Performance Style and Technical Execution shall be independently normalized then added together with the compulsory points to produce the contestant's score.
Ties will be broken based on which contestant has the highest:
Compulsory score
Technical Execution score
Performance Style points
In the extremely unlikely event that there is still a tie, the judges have the ability to devise an appropriate tiebreaker, or can declare a tie.
The judge's decision is final.
All contestants will be regarded as having read, and understood the above all rules.
Click here to view the rules!
Videos of all tricks in the Single A and Double A divisions can be found at the link below.
National Yo-Yo Contest |